We stock a wide range of "Mr. Fothergills" Vegetable Seeds throughout the year. Mr. Fothergills is a well known and respected brand of seed offering reliable germination and healthy crops.
Our Onion Sets, Peas & Beans are of the finest quality available and there is a wide variety to choose from. The majority are available "loose" thus offering great value for money as you can purchase as little or many as you wish.
We only supply seed potatoes that have been grown in Scotland and are of the finest quality availible to ensure a reliable and heavy crop. You can normally take your pick from a choice of well known varieties in either "1st Early / 2nd Early or Main Crop", and all are available "loose" so you may purchase as few or many as you wish.
To help make your garden bright throughout the year we can offer a selection of bedding plants and flowering bulbs during the changing seasons. Our bedding plants are sourced from a highly regarded commercial nursery and quality can therefore be assured. Our flowering bulbs are mostly sourced from "O.A.Taylor Bulbs" who are probably the most recognizable bulb brand in the U.K.